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Building Games and Finding Success with Jack Southard and Nathan Jew

Building Games and Finding Success with Jack Southard and Nathan Jew

Welcome to the XR MAGAZINE PODCAST! On this episode, we are thrilled to have Jack Southard and Nathan Jew, co-founders of an independent game studio based in San Francisco. These two high-school friends have been building games together for over four years, and their dedication and passion for the craft have earned them recognition in the gaming community.


In 2018, their VR game, Overboard, caught the attention of Oculus, and they were invited to join the Oculus Start program. They continued to work on their craft and won the Game Jam in 2020 with their Indivisible VR experience, securing a spot in the Growth Track.


Their hard work paid off in 2021 when they released "Gods of Gravity" on the Oculus App Lab. In 2023, their latest project, GoG, was launched on the Quest Store.


Stay tuned for an exciting conversation with Jack and Nathan, as they share their passion for gaming and their journey to success.


This episode will provide you with insights on:


  1. How to get started as a game developer and what to avoid to move forward in their career. 
  2. The creative process involved developing games and how to balance the technical and artistic aspects of the work.
  3. How to organize work and build a team when the game is getting traction.
  4. What sort of inspiration and work is needed to become a featured experience in the Oculus store

Please let me know if you have any questions about this episode or what guests you would like me to bring next! Thanks for your support! 😀🎉


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