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Exploring the World of Sailing in VR with Greg Dziemidowicz

Exploring the World of Sailing in VR with Greg Dziemidowicz

Join us on this episode of XR Magazine's podcast, Virtual Voyages, as we embark on an exciting journey into the world of virtual reality sailing with our guest, Greg Dziemidowicz, founder and lead developer at MarineVerse. MarineVerse's mission is to inspire, train, and connect sailors, and through their VR sailing projects, they aim to bring entertainment and education together for a wider global audience.


In this episode, Greg shares his experiences and insights on the challenges and opportunities of creating VR experiences that simulate the feeling of sailing. He talks about how MarineVerse's innovative approach to using VR technology not only enhances the sailing experience for enthusiasts but also introduces more people to this amazing sport.


So, whether you're a seasoned sailor or a curious newbie, tune in and set sail with us on this fascinating conversation about the intersection of technology and adventure in the world of virtual reality sailing.



This episode will provide you with insights on:


  1. How Marinverse uses VR technology to make sailing accessible and enjoyable for everyone, regardless of physical location or experience level.
  2. The nuances of sailing and how the app can help beginners understand basic sailing principles.
  3. Challenges faced during the design and development of the app, including simulating wind and water physics, and how the team overcame these challenges.
  4. The most unexpected benefits of sailing.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this episode or what guests you would like me to bring next! Thanks for your support! 😀🎉


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