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From developer to entrepreneur with Dino Fejzagić

From developer to entrepreneur with Dino Fejzagić

Our guest on The XR MAG Show for today is the Co-founder and CTO at CodeEffect, where he leads a team of engineers and artists working on immersive experiences and XR solutions for the industry. 


Meet Dino Fejzagić, an active contributor to open-source projects such as the Reality Toolkit, which creates tools for the rapid prototyping and development of XR apps and games.


From being a developer to then transitioning as an entrepreneur creating CodeEffect, today we discuss the ups and downs and the greatest lessons learned in the industry through this experience. 


I’m glad Dino agreed to take time out of his busy schedule to talk on the XR Magazine show!

In today’s episode you’ll learn:


  1. Why contributing to open source projects can put you on another level as a developer.
  2. What are his recommendations for prototyping projects
  3. What advice did they learn that would be useful for aspiring designers or artists creating immersive experiences?
  4. What guidelines are applicable to beginners who want to create their own businesses?
  5. What are the benefits of working with  MRTK or the Mixed Reality Toolkit? 


You can find Dino Fejzagić - CodeEffect on all social media channels( LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. You can download CodeEffect here at



P.S. Would you like to learn how to create immersive experiences or perhaps incorporate them into your profession or business? Great news, this free workshop will get you a good start on the foundations to design in XR! You can access it here: XR DESIGN FREE WORKSHOP: 


You can always find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn & TikTok as @dianaolynick.

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