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Growing an AR-based studio with Blake Gross and Dustin Kochennsparger

Growing an AR-based studio with Blake Gross and Dustin Kochennsparger

Our guests on The XR Magazine Show for today are the founders of DB Creations, Blake Gross and Dustin Kochensparger. Blake is an experienced software engineer and designer in the AR/MR space. His core role in DB Creations is leading the engineering of products and future product direction. Dustin is a producer and designer with almost a decade of experience working in video games. With a passion for project management and team leadership, he leads the design and production for every game DB Creations develops. 


DB Creations was founded in 2015, as a Washington-based independent game studio that builds VR and AR experiences and soon it grew into the business for the studio's first commercial app launch - Chimera Reader - a VR e-Book reader released in 2016 on the Gear VR platform. It was then ported to a variety of devices, including the Xiaomi MiVR and the Oculus Go.


The app was featured at the VR World Conference in China in 2018, as part of the subforum on Press and Publication. In the fall of 2018, pre-production began on the studio's latest game, Table Trenches, an AR strategy game. It was launched in the iOS and Android stores in May 2020.



These are some of the highlights of this episode:

  1. What inspired them to create a studio and why DB creations?
  2. What methods have they used to develop their own community
  3. How they got accepted into the Snap Accelerator fund.
  4. What is the difference between the Snapchat Ghost and Snapchat Yellow programs, and what makes this program exciting?


You can learn more about DB Creations at 


Would you like to learn how to create immersive experiences or perhaps incorporate them into your profession or business? Great news, this free workshop will get you a good start on the foundations to design in XR! You can access it here:  XR DESIGN FREE WORKSHOP:


You can always find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn & TikTok as @dianaolynick.

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