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How design looks like in XR with Gabriele Romagnoli

How design looks like in XR with Gabriele Romagnoli

Our guest on The XR MAG Show for today is Gabriele Romagnoli, The head of community at ShapesXR, an award-winning startup on a mission to bring the next level tool for creation and collaboration in the Metaverse. 


Gabriele is Passionate about collaboration and creativity, Gabriele stepped on several international stages to inspire audiences and share his vision of how immersive technologies can have an impact on teams' creativity and productivity right now.


I’m very pleased Gabriele agreed to take time out of his busy schedule to talk on the XR Magazine show!

In today’s episode you’ll learn:


  1. What transition is required to bring the design to a new level of experience
  2. How designing in XR is different than regular design and what we need to be aware of
  3. How design is evolving in 3D and what’s the evolution of UI’s
  4. The most informed advice for designers is to stay relevant and build the next level of 3D experiences 



You can learn and download ShapesXR on your device to try it yourself at 


Would you like to learn how to create immersive experiences or perhaps incorporate them into your profession or business? Great news, this free workshop will get you a good start on the foundations to design in XR! You can access it here: XR DESIGN FREE WORKSHOP: 


You can always find me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn & TikTok as @dianaolynick.

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