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Journey to the Metaverse in 2023 with Ricky Houck

Journey to the Metaverse in 2023 with Ricky Houck

Welcome to the XR Magazine podcast, where we explore the forefront of extended reality, AI, blockchain, and other emerging technologies. Join us as we bring you in-depth conversations with industry leaders, visionaries, and innovators shaping our digital world's future. 


In this episode, we sit down with Ricky Houck, the Senior Sales Executive at ENGAGE XR and host of the MetaRick podcast, to uncover his expertise in advising executive teams on their metaverse practice and scaling creative content for some of the world's largest brands. 


Get ready to gain insights into the complexities of extended reality, blockchain, and artificial intelligence, and discover how these technologies are transforming industries and reshaping our digital experiences. 


Tune in as Ricky shares captivating stories and offers valuable perspectives on the XR landscape. This episode is a must-listen for anyone eager to explore the limitless possibilities of the metaverse and understand the implications of emerging technologies in our daily lives.


In this episode, you’ll learn:


  1. Exclusive insights from a seasoned professional who has witnessed firsthand how the metaverse is reshaping industries.
  2. The strengths and pitfalls of leveraging extended reality.
  3. How to guarantee your ability to adapt and thrive in the metaverse.
  4. The #1 question to determine your success in the metaverse.


Please let me know if you have any questions about this episode or what guests you would like me to bring next! Thanks for your support! 😀🎉


P.S. We’re excited to share with you the recent news of the exclusive XR Magazine digital publication and our new exclusive newsletter for members! Besides getting access to curated guidance and insights from our special guest interviews, you’ll also get discounts on every one of our XR, Web 3, and AI workshops!!! You can subscribe now here: XR MAGAZINE 


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