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Using XR for climatic change feat. Juliano Calil, Ph.D.

Using XR for climatic change feat. Juliano Calil, Ph.D.

Welcome to a new episode of the XR Magazine podcast! In this episode, we are joined by Juliano Calil, Ph.D., the Founder of Virtual Planet Technologies and a pioneer in science communication. Dr. Calil is passionate about reducing climate change impacts by adopting equitable solutions through inclusive community engagement. He and his team are developing interactive virtual reality (VR) experiences to communicate climate change impacts and solutions to diverse audiences.


Virtual Planet is working with communities across the world, including West Palm Beach, FL, Santa Cruz, Long Beach, Stinson Beach California, and Germany, to address complex issues related to natural disasters such as coastal flooding, wildfires, and heat waves. Dr. Calil is a Senior Fellow at the Center for the Blue Economy and an Adjunct Professor at the Middlebury Institute of International Studies.


He has published several studies related to the use of immersive solutions to address climate impacts and coastal adaptation studies in California, Florida, the Gulf of Mexico, the Mid-Atlantic region, Latin America, and the Caribbean. His recent publications include “Using Virtual Reality in Sea Level Rise Planning and Community Engagement – An Overview” and “Neglected: Environmental Justice Impacts of Marine Litter and Plastic Pollution” for the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).


Join us in this fascinating conversation as we delve into the future of VR and immersive technologies in climate change communication and environmental justice.

This episode will provide you with insights on:


  1. What inspired Juliano to start Virtual Planet, and how did their background in environmental science and management contribute to the company's mission?
  2. How did Virtual Planet utilize virtual reality technology to convey intricate environmental issues to a broader audience, and what has been its influence to date?
  3. In what ways will virtual reality technology continue to develop in the future, and what novel opportunities may arise for its utilization in the realm of climate change and coastal adaptation?
  4. What are some of the biggest challenges faced by startups in the climate tech industry, and how do they overcome them?
  5. What goals does Virtual Planet have and how do they aim to aid in the battle against climate change and environmental degradation?
  6. Why is it important to focus on the story-telling aspect when creating VR experiences related to the environment?


Please let me know if you have any questions about this episode or what guests you would like me to bring next! Thanks for your support! 😀🎉


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