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The impact of VR in the music industry with Adrian Rashad

The impact of VR in the music industry with Adrian Rashad

Get ready to embark on an extraordinary journey into the realm of immersive media and innovation with our latest podcast episode! 


Meet Adrian Rashad Driscoll, a creative force hailing from the small city of Barstow, CA – a pitstop on the way to Vegas, but oh, what a pitstop it turned out to be! Adrian's tale is one of dreams chased, barriers broken, and unexpected discoveries that have reshaped not only his own trajectory but also the landscape of immersive media itself. 


After following his aspirations to become a professional actor, he woke up to the call of a filmmaker and an Immersive Media visionary. Fast forward through 15 years of sunny days and traffic-filled commutes, and Adrian is now a name synonymous with pushing the boundaries of immersive experiences. His collaborations span giants like CBS, NBC, Facebook, Microsoft, and more. But that's not all – Adrian's journey took an unexpected turn as he joined forces with music legend Gimel "Young Guru" Keaton to birth Collimation, an immersive media production house. Together, they're pioneering a new era where music and immersive experiences coalesce, opening doors to uncharted territories.



In this episode you have the opportunity to learn more about:


  1. The recipe for success to build good and inclusive experiences for all in VR.
  2. How to unlock knowledge and learn without being a developer.
  3. The #1 key you need to know to build a passionate team without money.
  4. The unexpected discovery about VR in the music Industry with Collimation.


Don't miss this captivating episode that promises to inspire, educate, and push the boundaries of what's possible.



Thank you for your continued support, we can't wait for you to experience this exciting episode! 


Please let me know if you have any questions about this episode or what guests you would like me to bring next! 😀

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