Interfaceless: Conscious Design for Spatial Computing is here! Check it out!

πŸš€Merging the Worlds of Tech & Architecture: Insights from Michael Kipfer

Season #1

Ever wondered how the architectural wonders of tomorrow are being shaped today? Dive deep with Michael Kipfer, the visionary at Mancini Duffy, as he unveils the magic of merging tech & design. 🎨✨ From the transformative power of 3D printing to the immersive experiences of VR in architectural visualization, this episode promises a journey into the future of architecture. πŸš€πŸŒ† Learn how the Design Lab is pushing boundaries and why drones might just be the next big thing in design visualization. 🚁🌍 Ready to explore the nexus of technology and architecture? Tune in now! πŸŽ™οΈπŸŽ§ You can subscribe to the XR Magazine here: πŸŽ™οΈ
